Senin, 17 Desember 2012


jadi, hari minggu(kemaren) gue pulang dari asrama dijemput emak gue. ceritanya mau ke perayaan ulangtaun kaka gue yang ke 17. sebelom ke rumah gue pergi ke pameran islamic travel garuda. jadi isinya kaya tour tour khususnya buat umrah haji. terus... yaa.... i cried-_- dunno why. nana effect(why nana again-_-)? or is it because i was just lonely? or, because i didn't really have a reason? well, to be honest, there where many things that remind me of 1001 night there. oh yea, recently, i have a "feeling" for this book, a thousand and one night. and i am intrested in arabic things especially thing like ancient arabic? ok, that's random. but i'll write about it next time for sure.
terus malemnya sekeluarga ke kemang, tadinya mau ke rollingstone cafe tapi gabisa, jadinya ke moe's place. makanannya biasa sih. acaranya juga sebenarnya biasa. tiup lilin, makan, udah. i mean, this is her 17th birthday we're talking about. she's seventeen now, why didn't she ask for something more, special? but she said that it's just a birthday, there'll be 18th, 20th, 22nd, no need to worry! maybe it feels flat because lack of people. kita cuma berenam. tapi yaudalah, had good times, good food, had fun:)

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