Selasa, 01 November 2011

AMT Dezoito Forςa

What did the ninth grade student in Labschool do last Friday and saturday? Yes, we went through a very fun and exciting labschool’s program called “Achievement Motivation Training”(AMT).  AMT is kinda like a motivation training(well, it is a motivation training-_-). There were many fun activities and great motivators. And now  I’m gonna tell you the details!!!

So, on friday morning(8.30 am to be exact) we went to grand pesona hotel, sukabumi(place where the amt was held). we went there by bus. we arrived at 10 am. as soon as we arrived, we were given snacks, and then we went through the first training. it's a mind mapping training by mr. SGM. it was fun and really helped for studying in more effective way. We even made our own mind
mapping! after that there was a break(to pray dzuhur)

 When we arrived


Us when making the mindmap(@ our room)

And after the break we underwent a training by... Dik Doank!! he was really funny and made us laughed a lot!

After the training we prayed and continued to the next training right away. it was a training by mr. Aris. He really motivated and encouraged us to reach our dreams.

before the training(@ aula)
Anddd there was a break after that(to take a shwr, pray, etc) and then we ate dinner and..we underwent the next training by.. Other Mr. Aris. Not just their name were the same, their material were also kinda the same. And, yeah he motivated and encourage us, but in a little different way. Andd when it was about eleven pm we went back to our room and had sleep after one tiring but exciting day.

Andd me and my friends(afi cissa ichi windi) woke up at five am. We prayed subuh and jogged around the hotel area for 15 minutes. After we jogged, we went to the swimming pool and took a looooot of photos!!!! We even went to the park to change the view.

 me and ichi!

the yellowish diana and me! and ichi and alea

 All of us!(minus afi...)

 me and windi playing see-saw

With my other yellow friend who i haven't meet for a long time:')

 notice something wearing blue? it's me:)

Andd we had breakfast then we went back to our room to took a shwr, got dressed and packed our stuff(yes, we will go home soon:⊂ ) andd we went to the aula to do last activity, writing our life proposal. But before that we did some test about our way of study(the pm class depends on this). and we had to choose our generation leader. Andd the winner is irsa.

Ok now I'm gonna tell you about the life proposal. I think it's a really important part of amt. (it's like the main purpose of it? I don't know:p) so, they gave us pappers. We filled the pappers. But, it's about our...goals,destination,what are we aiming for life. What we want to be.etc. And for the UN goals. What's our targets. What we have to do to reach that target. So, yeah I answered every questions and even signed the pappers. And after that, we read it out loud(the teachers told us to do so:p) and prayed to God, to grant our, life proposal... I was serious when I did this, cause I really really want it to really fulfill.
So, Ya Allah, please answer my prays, and please give me helps to fulfill my dreams. Aamiin...

So, after we've done with our life proposal, we went to our bus, andddd went all the way back to Labschool

The End:)

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